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Lot AOC4 Bisley Contract 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet x1

**0 Units Onsite** Please contact reception to confirm lead time for applicable quantity required**

40873 SOLD
€ 154
Goose Grey
Lead Time to Arrival at Auction Xchange - typically 2/3 working days (Please contact the office for an ETA, if required). Otherwise you will receive a call when the Lot is Onsite & Available for collection from Auction Xchange

Previous sales:

Sale ID: Buyer ID: Qty: Price: Date:
88636 22312 1 €154.00 06/09/23
82091 15062 1 €145.00 19/09/22
77652 9126 1 €145.00 11/01/22
73142 15062 2 €115.00 05/05/21
70941 3013 2 €115.00 09/12/20
70506 754 4 €115.00 17/11/20
60425 15175 2 €110.00 15/05/19
58125 10602 1 €110.00 28/01/19
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